
Mastering Fair Value: How RegTech Solutions Tackle Assessment Challenges

16th July 2024

Mastering Fair Value: How RegTech Solutions Tackle Assessment Challenges

As the July 31st deadline for Consumer Duty board reports approaches, effective reporting on assessment processes and positive consumer outcomes has never been more critical. The FCA states that fair value is the biggest challenge under the Consumer Duty, with firms managing diverse product lines and extensive distribution channels encountering heightened difficulties in gathering and processing data.

Establishing a robust system capable of continuously requesting, acquiring, and analysing data from any size distribution network is essential for conducting thorough assessments. Those still reliant on emails and spreadsheets, rather than specialised digital solutions, find it challenging to manage these tasks effectively.

As regulatory requirements become more rigid and the focus on consumer protection sharpens, insurers must find efficient solutions to stay compliant. REG Exchanges offers a promising opportunity to automate fair value assessments and provide essential data management tools that enhance decision-making processes…


Under the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) guidelines, the concept of fair value is central to the Consumer Duty framework. These guidelines necessitate that insurers not only offer products that are economically reasonable but also ensure that the benefits to consumers are clearly justifiable against the costs. This is pivotal in promoting not just compliance, but also the integrity and value of the insurance products offered. 

The FCA’s emphasis on fair value extends beyond simple cost considerations, involving a comprehensive assessment of product design, target market alignment, and the overall consumer outcome. Insurers must regularly review their products to ensure they meet established standards at every stage of the product lifecycle, from the initial concept to the final consumer experience. 

The requirements serve a dual purpose of enhancing transparency and protecting consumer interests. These regulations enforce clear disclosures about product benefits and costs, therefore building trust between insurers and policyholders and boosting consumer confidence. Additionally, they prioritise consumer interests in business decisions, encouraging insurers to evaluate real-world product performance and adjust prices that do not genuinely benefit consumers. This focus on transparent and consumer centred practices helps prevent mis-selling and promotes ethical business conduct within the industry. 

Overall, the FCA’s fair value requirements are designed to protect consumers and enhance the quality of financial products in the market. By adhering to these principles, insurers not only comply with regulatory expectations but also contribute to a more trustworthy and customer-focused marketplace. 


Complying with fair value requirements under the Consumer Duty presents several challenges for insurers, particularly in areas like data management and navigating regulatory scrutiny. These hurdles can complicate the path to adherence and require significant adjustments in operational practices. 

One of the primary challenges is the complexity of data management. Insurers must collect and analyse vast amounts of data to demonstrate that their products consistently deliver fair value. This involves not only the initial data gathering but also continuous monitoring and updating of data to reflect changing market conditions and consumer needs. This assessment needs to occur throughout the full distribution chain to achieve full oversight, which is often cumbersome and tricky to fulfil. The necessary level of detail and precision in data handling can strain existing systems and require substantial upgrades or overhauls. 

For companies with extensive product lines and distribution channels, gathering and analysing data has become increasingly difficult. A robust framework for requesting, receiving, and continuously evaluating information from distribution networks of any size is essential. Firms relying on emails and spreadsheets, instead of dedicated digital solutions, are finding this process particularly challenging. All companies should have already integrated the Consumer Duty into their organisational culture and acted on any identified measures to ensure positive consumer outcomes. Nevertheless, the FCA stresses the importance of firms reviewing their implementation strategies to ensure they effectively achieve the desired results for their target market.

Regulatory scrutiny further complicates compliance efforts. Insurers are under constant examination to ensure their products meet the evolving standards set forth by the FCA. This ongoing scrutiny requires insurers to maintain rigorous internal audit processes and stay ahead of regulatory changes to avoid potential penalties or reputational damage. 

The insights from Consumer Duty: Challenges and Priorities for 2024 article reveal an industry-wide struggle with these fair value assessments. Many insurers find it difficult to adapt their strategies and systems quickly enough to align with the new requirements. The article highlights a common concern among insurers about their ability to not only meet the current standards but also anticipate and prepare for future regulatory expansions. This anxiety is prevalent across the industry as insurers grapple with the dual demands of compliance and competitive market positioning. 

Addressing these challenges requires a focused effort on enhancing data management capabilities and building a culture of compliance and transparency. As the industry navigates these hurdles, the role of technology and strategic planning becomes increasingly critical in ensuring successful adaptation to these rigorous standards.


Recent statistics from the FCA underline the critical nature of maintaining compliance within the insurance industry. As of early June 2024, the FCA has issued fines totalling over £35 million for various compliance breaches across different sectors (FCA) . This serves as a sharp reminder of the potential financial penalties insurers face if they fail to adhere to regulatory standards.  

The potential consequences for insurers failing to meet these requirements of compliance are severe. Non-compliance can lead to a range of penalties from the FCA, including fines, restrictions on business activities, and in extreme cases, the revocation of operating licenses. Beyond regulatory actions, insurers also face reputational damage, which can destroy trust with consumers and negatively impact market position. The loss of consumer confidence can result in decreased renewals and challenges in acquiring new customers. Therefore, the need for insurers to address these compliance issues is not only regulatory but also critical to maintaining their market viability and consumer trust.  


REG Exchanges offers a robust solution to the complexity of data management by automating and streamlining the process of fair value assessments across the insurance distribution chain, crucially enhancing compliance and oversight. 

By enabling insurers to manage assessments digitally, a significant leap from traditional paper-based, email, and spreadsheet reliant processes REG Exchanges is transforming the industry. Through this platform, insurers can create and distribute custom forms and questionnaires enriched with precise, up-to-date counterparty intelligence data. This ensures the accuracy and relevancy of information used in fair value assessments, minimising risks of non-compliance and errors whilst also allowing for streamlined access to necessary data. 

Key to its functionality, REG Exchanges allows for secure distribution of these forms to one or thousands of recipients across the supply chain. Insurers can set deadlines, automate reminders, and track completion, ensuring that all necessary data for fair value determinations is collected efficiently and on schedule. This real-time tracking and automated follow-up system ensures an environment of proactive compliance management. Data submission is completed in a unified manner, simplifying processes for trading partenrs and amalgamating assessments into a centralised system to enhance auditing and reporting methods.

While leveraging REG Exchanges, insurers gain a tool that not only accelerates and simplifies the fair value assessment process but also enhances the accuracy and integrity of these evaluations. This contributes to a stronger compliance framework, supporting insurers in upholding fair value regulations and protecting consumer interests effectively.


Fair value assessments are the foundation of maintaining trust and transparency within the insurance industry, ensuring that products and services not only meet regulatory standards but also genuinely benefit consumers. Compliance with Consumer Duty is not just about adhering to these standards but also about enhancing the overall consumer experience and strengthening market integrity. 

REG Exchanges play a crucial role in facilitating this compliance. By automating and streamlining the fair value assessment process, these platforms allow insurers to navigate the complexities of regulation with greater ease and precision. The use of Exchanges ensures that insurers can maintain continuous oversight and access the accurate data necessary for making informed decisions, thereby upholding the principles of fair value effectively. 

Access our comprehensive one-page checklist, designed to ensure you’re fully equipped for the critical requirements and build your overview.

To see firsthand how REG Exchanges can transform your compliance processes and enhance your fair value assessments, we invite you to learn more about our solutions. Schedule a demo today and discover how we can help you meet your regulatory obligations while driving operational excellence.

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Article author:

Ella Olamona

Ella Olamona is the Marketing Executive at REG Technologies. With a drive to integrate innovative digital assets and expand market presence, she strategically blends creativity with analytics to create impactful marketing content.

020 3946 2880

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