Become a REG Technologies

Grasp Opportunities, Broaden Your Customer Base, Expand with REG Partnerships​

Why Partner with REG

At REG, we recognise that every organisation operates uniquely. That’s why we’ve created a variety of partnership models tailored to suit your specific needs. Collaborating with REG opens doors to market expansion and diversified revenue streams for your business. Our dedicated team at REG works hand in hand with you to forge and cultivate these valuable partnerships.


Overview of Partnership Programme

Welcome to REG Technologies’ innovative Partnership Programme, crafted to meet the rising demand in the market for a cohesive strategy concerning compliance, regulatory, and AML preventive measures. Our programme empowers like-minded companies to collaborate with REG and access our cutting-edge software seamlessly.

Whether integrating into existing customer bases, venturing into new markets, or incorporating into comprehensive solutions, REG’s partnership programme has you covered. Partner with a leading RegTech solutions provider​; with different partnership models including Referral, Channel and Technology partnership we have something to fit individual organisation requirements.


Benefits of Partnering with REG​

As organisations seek to transition from outdated paper-based checks to digital automated monitoring solutions, there’s never been a more opportune moment to explore expanding your product and service portfolio. Partnering with REG opens doors not only to providing your customers with a comprehensive ‘one-stop shop’ solution but also diversifying your company’s revenue streams through additional offerings.

With REG Technologies’ software solution, partnering with us enables you to provide our leading RegTech products, REG Network and REG Exchanges, to ensure your clients receive comprehensive tools to fulfil all of their compliance requirements.


Programme Features & Resources

The REG Network is making B2B trade faster, smarter, safer. Out of the box subscription solutions that revolutionise how regulated businesses are controlling third party risks, meeting their obligations AND increasing trade. REG will provide support for customer onboarding, training, and software demonstrations, effectively serving as an extension of partner resources.

Our Head of Partnerships, Mark Atkins, is on hand to support you throughout the whole process. Please contact Mark to discuss partnership opportunities:

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Benefits of Business Partnerships

See how business partnerships can help your organisation stay ahead of the curve…

Strategic Resource Pooling

Strategic Resource Pooling

Collaborate to efficiently utilise resources and expertise, amplifying effectiveness towards shared goals and enhancing efficiency.

Credibility Reinforcement

Credibility Reinforcement

Partnering bolsters mutual reputation and credibility, instilling trust among stakeholders and customers alike.

Market Expansion

Market Expansion

Access untapped markets and broaden customer reach through strategic alliances, fostering business growth and powering competitive advantage.

Risk Mitigation

Risk Mitigation

Share risks and rewards, alleviating financial burdens and fortifying resilience in navigating new ventures.

Innovation Catalyst

Innovation Catalyst

Fuel creativity and innovation by exchanging ideas and expertise, propelling mutual business success in dynamic markets.

Become a Partner

Ready to unlock the potential of partnership with REG Technologies? Join us in shaping the future of compliance solutions. Register your interest today and our Partner team will reach out to you shortly...