
Men’s Mental Health at Work: Breaking the Silence

3rd November 2023

Men's Mental Health at Work: Breaking the Silence

In a world that often revolves around expectations of strength, resilience, and endurance, we often overlook the hidden crisis that is steadily engulfing the lives of men. Men’s mental health issues are a growing epidemic, and it’s crucial we shed light on this critical topic, raise awareness and acknowledge the importance of addressing the unique challenges men face regarding their mental wellbeing.

While society’s gaze is often fixed on various global crises, it’s essential not to forget the silent struggles of mental health, and in this instance, the struggles faced by men, especially in the workplace. Men, like women, can experience the full spectrum of emotions, from highs to lows. But they also encounter a different set of challenges, often bound by the rigid expectations of traditional masculinity, which can have a profound impact on their mental well-being.

The first layer of the problem is the stifling stigma surrounding men’s mental health, particularly in professional settings. In a society that often links vulnerability with weakness, men can be hesitant to open up about their emotional struggles, especially at work. The fear of judgment and potential emasculation deters them from seeking help and support when they need it most. Men may silently battle their demons, believing that asking for help would make them appear inadequate in the eyes of their colleagues and supervisors and potentially diminish career prospects. Even though there has been increasing attention on this topic in recent years, with a changing narrative, the societal expectation that men should repress their emotions can still result in the internalised stigma among them. This can lead to an ongoing battle to uphold a façade of unwavering strength, causing many men to suffer silently.

Another complicating factor is the self-expectation that men should be the primary providers and problem-solvers in their families and communities, and this self-belief often extends to the workplace. While the world has evolved, and traditional gender roles are gradually shifting, the lingering belief that men must carry the weight of the world on their shoulders can amplify the mental challenges they experience. These behaviours of self-reliance in overcoming their emotional challenges often leads to burnout, and can have worrying consequences.

The consequences of silent suffering in the workplace are alarming. Men are less likely to seek help for their mental health issues, which can have devastating effects on their overall well-being and career. Notably, over half of male employees experience anxiety and depression, as reported by Champion Health, but in reality this may be many more. Work-related stress is noted as a significant contributor to negative mental wellbeing, with 79% of men voicing they frequently experience it (Statista, 2023). Yet, even though these figures are high, only a quarter of employees seeking mental health support are male, and 40% of men won’t discuss their mental health with friends or family, let alone their colleagues (GOV.UK, 2023).

This suffering leads to higher rates of suicide, with the UK Government reporting that suicide is indeed the biggest cause of death in men under the age of 50 and around three quarters of deaths from suicides each year are men. The bleak statistics underscore the urgent need for action.

Raising awareness about men’s mental health at work is about dispelling the myths and stereotypes that have existed for too long and empowering men to seek support when needed. By breaking the silence and challenging these stereotypes, we can create a more compassionate, understanding, and inclusive work environment. It’s vital to foster a culture where men feel safe and encouraged to open up about their emotions and seek assistance without the fear of being labelled as weak.

Men’s mental health, especially in the context of the workplace, is an urgent issue that requires our attention and awareness. It’s about unmasking the silent crisis that plagues men across the globe and breaking the barriers that prevent them from seeking help. By fostering a culture of understanding, empathy, and support, we can create a world where everyone’s mental health is valued and addressed.

Mind Matters: A REG Technologies Panel Event​ Around Men's Mental Health

This month is Movember, a month focused on raising awareness for men’s health and mental health struggles. As quoted by the official Movember organisation; “Movember is our time to unite. To take on mental health, suicide, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. And you coming along for the ride only makes us stronger.” We can all play our part in supporting the wellbeing of our male colleagues and peers, and that’s why at REG we are hosting a panel discussion on 14th November, focused on breaking down the barriers and fostering supportive environments. Our panellists will be sharing their experiences and insight on the challenges men face regarding mental health at work and how we can work together to better support the wellbeing of our male colleagues.


“I am Australian. After a lifetime of achievement involving being a lawyer, doing post graduate studies at Oxford University, playing rugby for Australia Under 21’s, playing and coaching at London Harlequins and then having a successful 22 year career in the City, where I rose to the level of a Vice-President of Citibank, I descended into cocaine addition. I am now over 7 years clean and sober. I am currently a Therapeutic Counsellor, Life Coach and Mentor. I am VERY grateful.

Men – it’s time to talk. Drop the masks, role playing and acting. Tell your truth. Heal and recover. The bravest thing you will probably ever do in your life is to put your hand up and say – I need some help.

“I am an International Business (with Spanish) graduate from Nottingham Trent University. Prior to going to university I worked in education teaching and delivering enrichment services to schools. During university I spent time living and studying in both Spain and Barcelona, eventually graduating and joining a major global investment bank as an analyst in July 2021.

The topic of mental health is extremely important to me. There is a stigma that negative wellbeing occurs when something drastic happens, but to me it’s much more than that. It’s managing all the small things day-to-day, even some of the positives, to ensure that you have the right methods to cope through any situation. Society puts a lot of pressure and expectations on young men which is challenging to navigate, especially when you’re at an age where you don’t even know who you are.

“Hi my name is Andy and I am the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Manager at Ardonagh Advisory. I have recently joined the Financial Services Industry, previous to this I worked in retail for 10 years doing various people management roles. I have led on many Mental Health initiatives in the past including being a trained Mental Health First Aider myself. My role specifically is to support leaders in understanding how they can create safe spaces so everyone feels comfortable to be themselves at work.

People often think if you have mental health problems then you are weak or not brave, to have these conversations and events are so important to remind people that you are strong, if you are struggling you are strong because you have to be strong to deal with the struggle. If we can help even just one person then we are doing something great.”

Let’s keep the conversation going and ensure that no one, regardless of gender, suffers in silence at work. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of all and work towards a mentally healthy society. We hope to see you there for a conversation that truly matters!

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Article author:

Zoë Parsons

Zoë Parsons is the Marketing Manager at REG Technologies. With a passion for creativity, she is dedicated to driving the success of REG’s digital presence through innovative strategies and a keen advocate for diversity and inclusion.

020 3946 2880

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