Find verified businesses in the REG Network for FREE
Instant view of verified status when searching businesses.
REG Verified is a free, at a glance, status check of businesses in our Network, enabling you to shortcut onboarding processes and make fast ‘No or Go’ decisions without the costs of detailed due diligence and monitoring.
Instant view of verified status when searching businesses.
Assess viability ‘at a glance’ before subscribing to a connection.
Over 15,000 businesses are already verified with more added every day.
Invite a business to register and become verified, helping us to help you, as we build the largest B2B network in the insurance market
1. Enhanced Credibility
A verified badge boosts the credibility of your business, signalling to others that REG has authenticated your business, making your profile more trustworthy.
2. Increased Visibility
Verified profiles standout in search results on the REG Network, improving visibility. This can lead to more connection requests, messages and business opportunities.
3. Networking Opportunities
Other REG users are more likely to connect and engage with verified profiles. This can help in building a strong B2B network.
1. Assurance of Authenticity
When searching businesses, verified profiles provide assurance that the business meets minimum standards.
2. Improved Search Efficiency
Searchers can filter results more effectively by prioritising verified profiles.
3. Confidence in Connection
When connecting with a verified business you can be more confident of a successful onboarding and ongoing professional relationship.