
Behind Every Piece of Technology, There’s a Human

8th October 2024

Behind Every Piece of Technology, There's a Human

Technology often feels like an unstoppable force, transforming industries, automating processes, and reshaping how we live and work. While these advancements bring incredible opportunities, they also come with some aspects of apprehension. From concerns about job displacement to fears of a faceless, algorithm-driven future, many people view technology with a mix of both excitement and anxiety.

technology transforming industries

At REG, we believe that behind every piece of tech, there’s a human- a team of passionate professionals dedicated to solving real-world problems. We aim to not only innovate, but to build trust, transparency, and confidence in the tools that power our industry. 

Our RegTech solutions not only streamline regulatory processes but also empower the professionals who rely on them. Technology, when developed with care and responsibility, can enhance human potential rather than replace it.

As service providers to the insurance and financial services world, relationships are the backbone of everything we do. While technology helps streamline processes and make B2B trade more efficient, face-to-face interactions and personal connections remain irreplaceable. Trust, built over time through genuine relationships, is integral to every deal, every partnership, and every customer experience. At REG, we recognise that our industry is, at its core, a people-driven business. Our technology is designed to support and enhance these relationships, but we never lose sight of the personal touch that drives success in this industry. Whether it’s face-to-face meetings, phone calls, or digital exchanges, our priority is ensuring that trust and personability are always front and center. It’s what keeps business relationships strong and helps everyone succeed long-term. At the end of the day, tech is great, but it’s the people behind it that make it work.

the human fear of technology

While technology offers extreme potential, it’s understandable that many people feel apprehensive about its impact. The rapid advancement of AI and automation has led to concerns about job displacement, with the fear that machines might take over roles currently held by humans. This worry is often accompanied by the anxiety that technology could lead to a future where human input is minimised, making processes feel less personal and more automated.

However, while the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023 anticipates a net decrease of 14 million jobs over the next five years, this transformation also opens up opportunities for 69 million new jobs, focusing on sectors that leverage human insight and creativity. This shift highlights the dual nature of technology; While it reshapes the job market, it simultaneously strengthens new industries and possibilities for innovation. 

The idea of a faceless, automated world can make technology seem cold and distant, stripping away the human elements of reality. These concerns, though valid, can sometimes overshadow the fact that technology, when designed thoughtfully, can actually complement and enhance human capabilities. Rather than replacing the human touch, technology has the potential to support professionals in focusing on more meaningful and strategic tasks, allowing them to leverage their time and become more efficient.

jobs changing over next 5 years
positive impact of human centered REGTECH

The true value of technology lies not just in its ability to streamline processes, but in the positive outcomes it creates for the people who use it. By focusing on human-centered design, our RegTech solutions have made a significant positive impact on the insurance industry overall. 

Our customers, ranging from small firms to industry leaders, have all benefited from our technology. One of our key successes involves CNA Hardy, a leading insurance provider. CNA Hardy faced the challenge of managing an increasingly complex broker onboarding and management process. Traditionally, these processes were manual, involving extensive paperwork and exchanges across multiple teams, which led to inefficiencies and significant administrative burdens. 

By implementing our RegTech platform, CNA Hardy was able to transform this extensive process into an automated, seamless, and integrated workflow. Our solution provided them with real-time oversight of all broker partners, centralised in one accessible platform. This automation not only reduced the administrative workload but also allowed the team to focus on more strategic tasks, such as enhancing relationships with brokers and customers. The efficiency gained through our technology enabled CNA Hardy to issue Terms of Business Agreements (TOBAs) more quickly, often completing the process on the same day with digital acceptance. 

During the COVID-19 lockdown in particular, the remote access capabilities of our cloud-based technology ensured that CNA Hardy’s operations continued uninterrupted, supporting the growing need for flexible working environments. This experience underscores how our RegTech solutions do more than just improve efficiency- it empowers you to deliver better outcomes, ultimately strengthening business relationships and enhancing the overall customer experience. 

building trust through transparency

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and we believe that transparency is key to building and maintaining that trust. By providing our customers with detailed information about their business counterparts, readily available and centralised in one place, we aim to create a sense of confidence and security. 

Our commitment to our customers doesn’t end with the implementation of our technology it extends to every single part of our business. We take pride in our readily available customer service support network, which is designed to help our customers navigate the technology and its features with ease. 

Whether it’s through direct support, training, or general assistance, we ensure that our customers are fully equipped to leverage our solutions to their maximum potential. This dedication to customer support further underscores the positive impact our RegTech solutions have on the day-to-day operations of our customers, allowing them to operate with greater confidence and efficiency. By gathering feedback and making adjustments, we ensure our technology meets all the necessary needs of those who rely on it. 

This collaborative approach not only enhances the effectiveness of our solutions but also reinforces the trust our customers place in us. By working together, we create tools that are not only powerful and efficient but also aligned with the specific needs and values of our customers, further strengthening our relationships and ensuring long-term success.

a vision for the future

As we look to the future, it’s clear that technology will continue to play an increasingly central role in our lives and industries. However, no matter how advanced technology becomes, its evolution will remain firmly rooted in our commitment to human values. At the heart of every innovation, there must be a commitment to enhancing human potential and addressing real-world challenges. 

We are continuously looking to develop and refine our RegTech solutions. The future of our technology is not limited to advancing tools and processes but in continually enhancing the way people work and interact. We are dedicated to driving innovation that empowers our customers, developing a collaborative environment where technology supports and strengthens relationships. By keeping people at the center of everything we do at REG, we are shaping a future where technology and human expertise work together to achieve lasting success and development.

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Ella Olamona REG technologies

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Article author:

Ella Olamona

Ella Olamona is the Marketing Executive at REG Technologies. With a drive to integrate innovative digital assets and expand market presence, she strategically blends creativity with analytics to create impactful marketing content.

020 3946 2880

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